We are funded by the generous gifts of friends who desire to facilitate cross-cultural experiences and Christ-centered learning communities, for the purpose of transforming world views, enlarging people’s hearts, and introducing many people to Jesus. We invite you to partner with us through your prayers and your financial giving.


You can give to Faith and Learning projects by credit card, checking account or savings account using our secure website.  You may make a one-time gift or enroll in a regular giving plan. Giving online saves the ministry the cost of paper and processing.

Questions about a donation?
Call us at: 630-221-0648
Email us at: donations@faithandlearning.org

We welcome gifts by mail. Please make your check out to “Faith & Learning International” and note in your memo line the specific project you wish to support.

Mail your check to: P.O. Box 480, Wheaton, IL 60187.



Please also consider these other ways to give to Faith and Learning projects.  We accept gifts via:

  • Stock
  • Donor Advised Funds
  • IRAs

For information, contact us at info@faithandlearning.org or call us at (630)-221-0648