To fill in an expense report:
Actions: Create a new expense report
Title: Can be any method for you to track your expense. (Jan 08 expenses; Trip to Orlando; etc.)
Customer/Entity: leave blank
Project: leave blank
Purpose: Can be further explanation of your title (specific dates, people, etc)
Save + Add items or Save + Close: At this point you can add the individual expenses or come back to it later
Expense Date: The date on the receipt or activity
Customer: leave blank
Project: leave blank
Expense Type: Use the drop down menu to find the category. All program expenses will begin in the “700” series
FLI Class List: Use the drop down to find your project name.
Description: Explanation of the incurrence of the expense (meal with —, travel to—-, supplies for—–)
Payment Type: Always a “personal” check, credit card or cash
Reimbursable: Always checked, if you select one of the options above, it will check it for you.
Amount: The amount on the receipt
Currency: Use the drop down menu to choose the currency on the amount line. The date will be used to calculate the exchange rate to US dollars.
Use the receipts tab to attach all receipts to the corresponding report. Please number your receipts to coincide with the appropriate number line item.
You can use the Action list to import your credit card information and other options. When you have completed the report, you submit it.
It takes 5 business days for payment to your bank account via ACH.