I want to serve our church to become the church of the 3rd generation: a church that planted churches that planted churches – that talks about discipleship on a community level. I want to see individual and churches to be built on Christ. I want to train new leaders and make connections with other churches to cooperate on a mission and help the broader body of church this way (that’s why I try to cooperate as much as possible and why I serve as a member of CZ Baptist Missions Board).
Our church’s name is Pochodeň Praha (Torch Prague) and our motto is “we are shining God’s love to our neighborhood.” Our light is Jesus, and therefore we are shining God’s love to our neighborhood, so He can become your light as well.
Our core values are the Gospel, the city we live in, and the community. Our vision is to become a self- sufficient church in 3 years and to start planting churches that plant churches that plant churches (3rd generation).